Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Katha 03 – Man, pen and his sayings - A

There was a man. He had something to tell. He babbled a lot. Words evaporated in the air. Everyone forgot.

There was a man. He had something to tell. He painted the signs on the rock. They remained for few hundred years.

One man had something to tell. He carved the signs on the rock. They remained for thousand years. But after thousand years nobody could understand the meaning.

One man had something to tell. He made a pen and paper and wrote some signs on the paper with pen . But the ink spread and faded out and paper turned yellow and brittle after some years.

Other man also had something to tell. He made some sounds in front of a microphone and recorded them, first on a cylinder, then on a disc, then on a tape and then again on a (Compact?, Hard?) disc.    

Then one man thought, the thoughts and feelings are different from some sounds and some symbols. Telling is different from writing. Saying something is different from preserving it for future.
And another man thought, why technology advances in the direction of preserving something nobody wants to pay attention. There is no technology to make one think or to make one say what one thinks or to make one listen and understand what other is saying or to make one wise?
Why one wants to preserve his sayings? Why one wants others to remember what he says?
Why one wants to say something in the first place?

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