Thursday, December 8, 2011

Why this, in my fate?

Hi, boys and girls,
I ‘m singing a song,
                                                            (दुसरा काही उद्योग नाही काय रे?)
Why this, Why this, Why I’m listening Dis?
Why this, Why this, Why I’m listening Dis?
                                                            (Rhythm correct?)
                                                            (Correct. But is this a song?)
Poem-u lyric-u trash-u trash-u
Music-u bad-u bad-u … … …
(really bad music yaar)
Then Why this, …
                                                (Maintain this bad music)
Drilling-u hammering-u मेरा head-di

Tune-u ghissi – a – pitti – a tune-u
Theme-u ol’ .. n Song-u Flopp-u
                                                            (as it is said, and rightly said)
Why this, Why mere नशिबात देवा Dis?    

Brain-u smashing – a – mashing – a – frying  
फिर भी listening-u torture-u – self-u
            Why --- --- why --- --- why --- Daka Dhaka Dhis!

Ka Ka Ku Koooo, Ki Kee Ke Kaeeee,
त्याने काऽऽस्वाशी पैज लाविलीऽऽ
Ko Kau Kam Kaha, Ko Kau Kam काऽ ही
शर्यत रे ऽऽ अपुली ऽऽ  --- --- --- हा हा हा हा!

Why this, why … … … --- --- --- … … … ing this?

But why I’m writing-u this-u this-u
Wasting-u time-u time-u … … …
Why this, Why this, Why I’m listening Dis?
Why this, Why this, Why people r listening this?

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